Russia Trekking - Adventure Travel

Russia Trekking offers a large choice of custom expeditions to the remote regions of the Siberian wilderness.

We organize expeditions across several regions of Russia including places such as the Putorana Plateau (located on the northwestern edge of the Central Siberian Plateau), the Ukok Plateau (a part of the Altai Mountains that borders Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia), and the Kamchatka Peninsula (Russian Far East). Using various methods of transport such as helicopters, rafting, and ATV’s, we traverse natural parks and UNESCO World Heritage sites.

The trips are led by professional guides and a team of assistants, which includes an interpreter and a chef.

To ensure maximum safety throughout the journey we use high-quality grade equipment.

During our expeditions, we like to bring professional fishing equipment so that we can catch and barbeque salmon and other river fish around a campfire.

Ekaterina Repina

We wanted to find the most remote, undisturbed, and natural areas in Russia that can leave our guests with unforgettable memories.

Ekaterina Repina, Head of Project VK-Sokol Travel Professional Member of the Russian Geographical Society

See the video about Siberia


Visit Tofalaria
Russia Trekking - video presentatiomn
Adventure 4 you
Adventure travel
Lonely Planet

Explore Valday Forest

The wild forest between Moscow and Saint Petersburg.

Explore Kamchatka with Russia Trekking

The region of volcanoes and geysers.

An unforgettable trip to the world's end.

In the middle of Siberia

Travel with us to the Ukok Plateau in the Altai Mountains

Where Russia meets Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia.

Altopiano Ukok - Monti Altai

Roberto Canedoli
      A travel experience of such level it is a great target for any hiker that desires to do something unique.

Roberto Canedoli, Business DevelopmentRussian Trekking Travel professional