Semyon Dezhnev
Kamchatka was discovered by Russian Cossacks more than 300 years ago. The first information about the Peninsula date back to the mid 17th century, when the expedition of Semyon Dezhnev landed on the shore. The sailors of the expedition were the first Europeans who wintered on the Peninsula. After almost fifty years in 1697 state plenipotentiary Vladimir Atlasov at the head of the unit to 120 people went on the hike “to look for new lands and take posses of the territory. Atlases have fulfilled the historical mission — added Kamchatka to the Russian state.

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Kamchatka trekking

In the early 18th century, Russia had become a Maritime power, but Pacific and Arctic oceans were little explored. To clarify the North-Eastern border of the state, to seek the unknown lands, establish trade with east countries Peter the Great issued a decree on the organization of the First Kamchatka expedition in December 1724, which would study the waters of the Pacific ocean and confirmed the existence of a Channel between Asia and America. The commander of the expedition was appointed Vitus Bering.

But only the second Kamchatka expedition headed by Vitus Beringa and Alexey Chirikov on the bauxite “St. Peter” and “St. Paul” in 1740 went to Avacha Bay. In honor of the ships of the expedition, the Bay was named Petropavlovsk Harbor. Were part of the expedition future academician Stepan Krasheninnikov in the next four years explored the Peninsula. From Bolsheretsk, where he settled, the scientist made a number of expeditions on the edge, which lasted 5-7 months. He several times crossed the Peninsula in different directions, getting acquainted with history and geography. Based on travel notes he made major scientific work “Description of Kamchatka land”, whose value remains till nowadays.
Captain Bering got sick as other 28 people of the crew and died in the island that now has his name. The reason of the death seems to be scurvy desease but the analysis of his rests found recently on the island gives some doubt on the real reason. Now both the island and the straight have his name.

Kamchatka is a natural area unique on Earth.
The climate, the geographic position e natural resources make this destination unique for tourists of all the world. The thermal and natural springs, the vulcans and the glaciers, the famous Geyser Valley are mostly area untouched by mankind. This makes possible the development of ecologic tourism, sport fishing and hunting, skiing trekking and climbing, scuba diving, trips and races on snowmobiles and dog sledges, flights and cruises.
In Kamchatka there are three wild states, 19 natural reserves, 169 natural locations, 5 natural parks,. The 18{f14d00822bc3ae4638d7c1c92483b4651581bfe0a27b82aee7e499a45b8e8ace} of territory is classified as protected. Six zones are classified as UNESCO Heritage. The incredible variety of landscape, the peaks of more that 4000 meters, the vulcans and the sea shores that makes fiords and islands and the incredible list of wildlife and plants are unique.
On the territory and on shores live many kind of birds, bears, wolves, seals, sea lions, whales and dolphins.