The Bears’ Farmhouse is located half way between Moscow and Saint Petersburg in the countryside of Valday Forest near Bologoye city. Ir is easily reachable by SapSan ,the high speed train in about two hours. The area it is not far from the Volga basin.
Picture: Bears’ Farmhouse. The property it is several acres large and it just beside of a pure water lake. Includes extensive crops, vegetables and farm animals ( Map )

An overview of the Bears’ Farmhouse
The property in the Valday Forest has different houses for guests and employees. Then there livestocks structures, workshops as for wood crafts, deposits and garages. The lake has pure water where it is possible to have nice swims in summer and skating in winter.

A winter picture of one of the wooden buildings.

You will explore the Valday forest around the property with professional Quad or Snowmobiles according to the period of the year. It is possible to drive for hours in the forest of different kind of trees, near small lakes and rivers. Our guides will make this possible being quite expert of the area and with GPS devices.
There are different destinations reachable from the Bears’ Farmhouse. The Valday Iversky Monastery, small old russian villages and hunting huts in the deep forest.
Picture: Alexander, our Expedition Chief Leader leading a group in the winter landscape.
In the Valday Forest there are few roads. We will use Quad or Snow Mobile according to the season. Quad from April to December when it is snowy but not too much. From January to March it is better the snowmobile that permits to drive perfectly on high snow and also on iced lakes and rivers. Other unusual different kind of transportation vehicles like the UAZ 4×4 passenger vehicle and other rarities will be used during the stay. Using a normal car when you will be back home it will be a surprise….
Picture: some shots of a day trip in the forest

Your accommodation is in a nice and brand new building that has three bedrooms. One Double bed, one two single beds plus one additional on request and a large four beds rooms. There are two bathrooms shared. In the same building there is the dining room and a professional kitchen.
Picture: the wooden guesthouse

In the first day itinerary, after about 40 kms of forest, we will reach the hunting hut Zaimka immerse in the nature and along a river. We will find a warm stove to dry our clothes, a fire place and a fast snack.
All this log houses buildings are always ready for possible bad weather days. Dry wood inside, matches, candles and some food.
Picture:Hunting Hut Zaimka

We will enjoy the Russian Cuisine of only selected natural food as fish and meat, vegetables, cheese and sausages, soup, rise, pasta prepared by the chef of the team. Breakfast will be salty or sweet with tea or coffee, biscuits, chocolate. Water is collected on site being pure and totally healthy. During the stay it will be possible to know the food resources of the forest as mushrooms, blueberries, different herbs and plants and the way to prepare them. We will catch in the lake our daily fish.

Just beside the lake there is a traditional Banya, the russian Sauna that will welcome you in the evening before dinner. Will be the perfect way to relax and have your energies comes out the day after. It is heated with wood and you will never forget the scent of the resin in the air.
As break we can jump in the lake, even in winter !!
Picture : The Banya beside the lake

A possible itinerary, to be evaluated personally with your special needs. We imagine your arrival from your country in Moscow or Saint Petersburg in the late morning. In case of need we will provide a interpreter form russian to your language to get easier any communication.
Day 1. Departure from Moscow or Saint Petersburg with High Speed train SapSan that in about two hours will reach the city of Bologoye. Welcoming at the station and transfer to the Bears’ Corner base with minivan or mithical russian 4×4.
Sauna in Banya (typical log house for sauna and in this case on the lake banks) to relax while our chefs are preparing the dinner.
Dinner in the base with the maximum gastronomic russian tradition.
Day 2. Early wake up for good breakfast to afford the day. Technical briefing on vehicles, safery ruels, delivery of radio, description of the itinerary of about 80 kms in the forest with different levels of difficulties. We will drive through snowy meadows in winter, evergreen forests, of high or new trees, we will cross creeks and small muds. At half day we will reacha hunting base (Zaimka) on the banks of a river where a already warm stove is waiting for us to dry our clothes and give us the time to have a fast snack. We will go back on a different way reaching the base in the evening. Sometimes we will have to cut some trees that blocks our way. Evening in the banya for relax and dinner speaking about our adventure day.
Day 3. Early wake up for breakfast and preparation of the second day expedition of about 160 kms. We will reach through the forest and some roads the wonderful Valday Iversky Monastery. On the same way we will find the memorial monument of the shot down location of the legendary pilot of the II World War, Aleksey Maresyev, Gold Medal of Valor. We will tell you his story subject of many Russian movies. Short snack lunch and way back to the Farmhouse. Sauna in the Banya and dinner with music and dancing.
Day 4. Wake up and packing. Breakfast and short walk around the property. Then transfer at the Bologoye train station to go back to airport and then home.
Pricing and sales conditions
Price per person Euro 1.950,00 Taxes included Price can in case of change variations for currency Ruble/Euro
The price per person includes:
– Transfer from Moscow or Saint Petersburg airports to Tran Station SapSan
– High speed train trip Moscow-Bologoye-Moscow or Saint Petersburg-Bologoye+Saint Petersburg
– Transfer train station Bologoye to Bears’ Farmhouse
– Three nights at Farmhouse
– Full board
– Use of one Quod or Snow Mobile per person for two full days
– The scout and instructor
– One interpreter full time
– access to the external sites that will be visited.
– insurance ALFA that covers sport activity risks as First Aid, transfer to Italy with sanitary procedures up to 50.000 Euro
Prepayment and cancellation penalty 30{f14d00822bc3ae4638d7c1c92483b4651581bfe0a27b82aee7e499a45b8e8ace} on booking value. Balance at 7 days before date of trip.
The price does not include the flight to Moscow or Saint Petersburg from your country, the Visa fee and everything non indicated ans included.
For whom han never seen Moscow or Saint Petersburg we can suggest to anticipate the arrival of some day in which we can propose a visit at the city and to book hotels and suggest some restaurants.
For that knows already the cities we have some very original itineraries dedicated to the celebration of October Revolution 1917-2017. Stalin Russia, The Cold War visiting of some very special places out of traditional itineraries.